This is Duke Hospitality's guiding tenet: Everyone Matters. What does it mean? It means that everyone has intrinsic value. It means each and every person matters. This might be a simple explanation, but it carries a lot of weight. Living out this tenet means funneling everything about yourself -- how you treat others, how you do your job, how you serve the world around you and who you are when no one is watching -- through this belief. This is how Duke aims to serve its investors and owners, employees, family and the world we live in every day. We aren't perfect. We don't get it right every time. But believing that everyone matters has a significant, ever-present and powerful impact on our trajectory as a company and as people.
We have three belief statements that support Everyone Matters.
We believe people thrive when they are fully alive.
We believe the essence of excellent results is effective habits.
We believe the measure of success is what we give of ourselves.